Phishers will try to steal your personal information (and usually your bank account information) in a wide variety of ways. They use the itsme name and logo very convincingly, so it’s sometimes difficult to distinguish real from fake.
- itsme will never ask you to activate your account and to re-enter your bank details in an email, by text message, or by phone
- Always check the sender of the email and the link to which you are being referred. The link for itsme actions is
- Do you need to activate your account? If so, always start via the itsme app or from the website (; never follow a link in an email or text message.
- Never give your bank details over the phone or via (a link in) an email.
- Always use itsme. Discover via the 'Partners' button on the app's home screen.
Do you want to report phishing?
Did you receive a suspicious mail or a suspicious message? Forward it to